Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Einstein's Begonia

A very nice little horticultural adventure began for me this past winter when I received a surprise email with an inquiring title: "Einstein's begonia?" The email was from my friend Kim Dorman who works at the Princeton Public Library. It was part flattery, part mystery, part challenge, like the beginning of a Mission Impossible episode. "Of all the people I know," it began, "you would be the most likely to have an answer to this question." Kim's sister's godmother was seeking a descendent of Einstein's begonia, and had also put word out to the Mercer County master gardeners and both garden clubs in Princeton.

A google search yielded an engaging and informative article by "Jeni", a Williams and Mary student at the time. She tells the story of Newton's apple tree, which still exists, and Einstein's begonia, which also lives on thanks to a proliferation of cuttings that took place after Einstein passed. According to Jeni, "Cuttings from the begonias raised by Einstein had been given as gifts before, mainly to physics or mathematics faculty at Princeton University or at the Institute for Advanced Study, but now they are also being circulated among a group residing in Princeton outside of the faculty."

A photo in the post showed a begonia owned by Jeni's grandparents, one of whom I happened to have served with on the Princeton Environmental Commission some years back. I contacted her, and she gladly shared cuttings of the begonia, describing them as "prolific." And so it is that Einstein's begonia traveled a multi-generational pathway to a new owner. 

Vicki's gift of cuttings was generous in number, and being an intrigued middleman, I kept a couple to see if I could get them to root. Online instructions suggested using a narrow container that could be filled with a minimum of water, the better to concentrate rooting compounds the plant naturally exudes. I chose a narrow glass, stuck the stems in, and waited. Weeks went by with no apparent action on the plants' part. The danger was that the stems would begin to rot. If you think about it, all a root has to do is lose one "o" and it turns into rot. The situation was clearly precarious, and I was worried not only for my own non root-budding begonias but also those I had passed along to Marianne, Kim's sister's godmother. As a precaution, I put one in perlite, to see if it would root that way.

It turned out that time brought roots rather than rot, regardless of the medium. I potted them up, kept them well lit but out of direct sun, and then one day, I noticed a flower emerging. Just a few leaves, and already a flower! I would have been impressed if the flower stayed that size, but instead what looked like one flower began to grow into many, 

until it had become a lovely spread. Clearly, Einstein was onto something. I like to think that this begonia's opulence and long-lasting blooms are reflective of Einstein's generosity of spirit, as well as the abundance of hair he grew in later years.

Another post that came up in an internet search, "Albert Einstein and Plants," offers some more background and claims, perhaps half correctly, that Einstein's begonia is "a Begonia ‘Lucerna‘; apparently a hybrid of Begonia teuscheri and Begonia coccinea."

A little more digging reveals that this plant is as international as Einstein himself. 

The Angel Wing Begonia, named for the shape of its leaves, was created by Eva Kenworthy Gray in 1926 when she hybridized a begonia from Lucerne, Switzerland and one from Brazil. Born in Missouri in 1863, Eva received a university education in an era when that was rare. It's not clear whether she went to University of Missouri, which began admitting women on a very limited basis in 1868, or perhaps the University of Iowa, Oswald Veblen's alma mater, which was coeducational from the get go in 1848. In any case, her considerable contributions to horticulture and begonias in particular happened after she became an immigrant of sorts, moving from the midwest to California, where she became hooked on begonias in 1920, after being given a couple cuttings. 

This is a recurring theme, in my life and in the lives of many people I know--the stimulus and serendipity of intranational migration, where skills and values learned in one place find new application and relevance when transported to another region of the country. Some of the values and motivations that made Oswald Veblen so impactful in Princeton can be traced not only to a youth spent in the midwest but extend back, as described in George Dyson's book Turings Cathedral, to the circumstances and culture his grandparents experienced in Norway. 

For info on the Angel-wing Begonia and its care and feeding, the Chicago Botanic Garden offers a lovely account. The plaster cast of Einstein's face in the first photo of this post, by the way, was given to us by Lavonne Heydel, who is a volunteer gardener at Drumthwacket, Morven, and most recently at Herrontown Woods. It had been part of an "Einstein garden" she and her offspring had for awhile. For the meantime, the plaster likeness now has a new home in a different sort of Einstein garden, among the begonias on my windowsill.

Update, Dec. 16, 2021: Vicki's advice on how to get begonias to bloom:
  • They love sun. Mine bloom pretty much all summer when I have them outside on the south-facing side of the house.
  • They also bloom in the winter when I have them in our downstairs bathroom tub with a west-facing window.
  • I feed them occasionally, and outdoors they get watered when it rains. Indoors I water once a week or so.
  • I think mine took a year or two to settle in before blooming. Keep caring


  1. Hi! I was looking up some information about possibly dividing my begonia and happened upon your post. I also have a begonia propagated from Einstein's begonia! My friend has a friend who was able to get a verified cutting years ago, and he passed along a cutting to me about 10 years ago. I'm very excited to see that we are not the only people with this connection to the mother plant.

  2. I just received a cutting as well from Einstein’s begonia and I think this is probably the best gift ever!

    1. I’m interested in buying a cutting from you.

  3. Just received a nice cutting from my friend whos brother works at Princeton. Very excited to grow it out.

  4. I just received a beautiful plant that was started as a cutting from Einstein's begonia. I hadn't heard the story until my friend asked me if I'd like the plant. She received it from a friend but she doesn't have a green thumb and was afraid she'd kill it. I worked at Princeton University for a few years and love the story of this plant! I'm going to try to root some cuttings. Wish me luck!

    1. Good luck! Mine bloomed again a month or two ago. A really amazing bloom that just builds and builds.

  5. I have a cutting which has grown into a beautiful plant which I have in an Einstein faced planter.

  6. I received a cutting as well that traveled from a Princeton Professor. His wife Jane Ashdown became Dean of the School of Education Department at Adelphi University in Garden City, NY. Her office shared cuttings once a year as her two plants were overgrown. I love and cherish my Einstein!

    1. Thanks so much. I've forwarded this info to someone developing a family tree of Einstein begonias

    2. I also worked at Adelphi until 2022 & have several cuttings that I have shared with my children in NY and siblings in TX! The most beautiful begonias! I am in awe of the prominence! The legacy continues!

  7. I have a cutting from a lovely elderly friend who passed away a couple of years ago. She lived in Manhattan when she was younger and was very proud of her Einstein Begonia that she had shared cuttings from for many years.

  8. My original cutting has been producing :"offsprings" for awhile now and I have distributed 28 of them to friends around the country.

  9. Our plant has grown at a remarkable rate! Two major branches, 3 feet long. Green healthy leaves except for The leaves in the middle. They started turning yellow then salmon over the month. (Looks like leaves turning outside this fall.) We were watering thoroughly once a week or so and soil dried in between. Started to give it light fertilizer high in nitrogen as I read that may help. Maybe pot is too small?
